Your Teen is Losing Ground

Keep reading to learn how you can get them back on track

Therapy in Tennessee

It was all a dream…

Watching them grow up, every year was another exciting chapter. The sky was the limit.

The bigger the number, the greater the possibility.

But then something stalled out.

They got into trouble a few times. Some questionable friends started showing up on the scene. Their grades started to dip.

Now you’re worried that they might be in an all-out tailspin.

The unfortunate reality

The child you knew is gone.

They’re pulling away and putting on a whole persona that seems completely foreign.

You’ve tried everything. Dinner conversations, trips, texts…It’s all failed.

The connection with your little bundle of joy is broken.

How can you support them if they won’t even talk to you?

I can help bridge the gap.

In a comfortable, confidential, and lighthearted atmosphere, I will work with your teen to teach them how to process their difficult thoughts and emotions.

In our work together, we will prepare them for life by bringing clarity to their experiences and helping them learn the critical skills they need to thrive.

And I’ll give you the support and coaching you need as the parent to nurture their insights and breakthroughs outside of therapy.

There is a choice to be made.

Are you willing to prioritize your child’s mental health at this pivotal stage to set them up for healthy fulfilling relationships?

Are you willing to support them while they do the work of creating a beautiful life?

Your child is waiting for you to choose them.

Call (615) 437-7191 today and let’s get started!

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